About Technology Governance Steering Committee in Aerospace:
Technology Governance Steering Committee (TGSC) in Aerospace attempts to meet the needs of a large and diverse
constituency, which includes practitioners, researchers, educators, policy makers, regulators and users. The scope of this TGSC shall be to consider various aspects of
technology industry across various verticals of aerospace and the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through robotics and automation whose
applications are both for civilian and military usage. Therefore, the study and scope is sensitive and the TGSC shall be working closely with concerned Government
ministry and department which monitors, regulates and set guidelines for the ethical use of AI, robotics and automation. Data and AI are merging into a synergistic
relationship, where AI is useless without data and mastering data is insurmountable without Artificial Intelligence. TGSC’s efforts shall provide impetus for the
elevation of AI and Machine Learning in Aerospace sector.