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News Post
AICRA is focused on building the architecture integral to the development of the automation sector through policy advocacy, and help in setting up the strategic direction for the sector to unleash its potential and dominate newer frontiers.
The executive board of AICRA is the senior governing body that's composed of the President, President - elect Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, 8 members with geographic, technical, and operational experience, the Parliamentarian (non-voting), and up to 5 at-large, competency-based members. The Executive Board works closely with the AICRA staff, made up of dozens of seasoned experts in areas like non-profit management, finance, event planning, marketing, training, publishing and more.
In pursuit of making India a global leader in the field of Robotics, IoT and Artificial Intelligence; building an ecosystem that enables education institutions to produce the best talent as well as creating a workplace for them, Helping the industry to develop the best products and creating a market place to showcase.